CRank: 5Score: 70300

Let me start with the game looks good no doudt. But if you look closely there is a down grade in lighting and ambient lighting as well as a different GI (Global illumination) setting. Just saying so no not an upgrade just clever solution/ optimization.

132d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Look at the pop in, in the rear view mirror last gen still has it gt7 looks to have no pop in meaning everything is rendered at once.

1557d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Oh and we can all read the upset people that have no intention of putting time into it anyway even if it had everything every street fighter has had.

3138d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

The smartest thing for capcom to do was release a game that player will need to practice in hence the modes available. (for the evo competition) so keep complains the game plays great the netcode works the rest of the game you bought comes out soon why the hell would you argue. if you didn't want a small piece of the pie now you should have waited no where on the box does it say it comes with anything more then what it comes with. oh thats right if your here writing about the game you pro...

3138d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

I think that if you people bashing the game just, pull your head out your a$$ and played the game you will realize that capcom did us a favor in getting the game to, all the real players ready for evo competition. if you dont like the game dont play it. Capcom gave us a game that in no shape or form is done, but gave us a game we can play right now and maybe make some money on it. yeah they suck for that. good luck to all you who miss out on a good ass beating while your getting ass rape by y...

3139d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

same as here there winters are during march

3230d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To the miss informed. I am playing my ps4 thru my vita at my job while the ps4 is @ my house. But good way to catch up and play the pc strength microsoft. Can't blame them where sony is setting up consoles for today, Microsoft is setting up for a console less future.

3530d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Anyone still waiting for free psn version should just share play it.

3534d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You claim it's broken because it's online. as a single player game IT has what is needed. Spoiled brats don't stop to think. "beta testing your game helps but that's more p.r then break proofing it". playing online doesn't mean you don't get issues. The pc started online and great games still have issues,g I think wait a minute yep patches why would they use them? hmmmmm. so get over yourself any game that has to be patched after it is launched, is only a be...

3580d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well it would be like that if you buy a prostitute. Just sit there and think about gta as she goes to "work".either way the kids not getting any will think this is it and the people that the game was made for should know the difference. You would think. But a friend once told me never assume intelligence. It will disappoint you every time.

3593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude minecraft has multilayer already. Really and shadow or mo I played share play, where my friend just sent me an invite, next thing you know I'm fightin sone dude personally. This is the sickest update Sony could have done. Deal with it!!!

3616d ago 14 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Of course you may need to play around with settings for shadows and anti aliasing if the game runs at a lower frame rate", These words form someone justifying a PC .Here right here is the point as to why neither is better. you have one system that if you want to max graphics you might have to tinker. then you have the console. You but the game in maybe install and play. are the graphics equal? sure lets give the console the problem of adjusting to various components. maybe if we pu...

3627d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

let me nip this in the butt. if you have double the resolution whether you see it or not its still double the resolution. no matter how you spin it last time i check 30 was half of 60 and 720 is still half of 1080 so what do we come up with. thats right half a system ok now we are on the same page....

3889d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

They need to make a game where americas are the enemy and let see that one get off the drawing board.

3921d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment


3957d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Make some of this stuff yourself before talking about not being impressed. that was really cool and to think that unity is for everyone.

4412d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

It was a big plus for sony. But many people will see copy cat,but they have the upper hand at the moment if they bundle the vita and the ps3 at the price that the wiiu comes in at that would be a relaunch the system needs to capitalize on the competition. Go sony for this day you out classed you comp.

4422d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

you can connect anything you want to it. but if NINtendo does not offer a hdd version then none of the games that use hdd will never be on the system, offer one and developers will use it don't offer one and the next gen starts then with msoft and sony.

4466d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I pledge to Go commando on September 20th! And wipr the floor with whoever does not!

4756d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't forget that the ps2 did not pick until the release of gt3 everyone seems to have a bad memory and that gt3 came out in June or august of that year not even in the holiday if gt5 becomes the god game that the developer says it is then we are going to be seeing a lot of ps3 fly off the shelves and by the way sony knows about the sell rate of the move i own one and think its not bad with the right game but they knew that and thats why they are looking for word of mouth. remeber bad adv...

5096d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment